As most of you know we are very last minute planners. Lenn came home at 6:00 p.m. and said "let's go". I should have known and planned and packed but I didn't want to do all that work just to unpack it. We packed that night and headed to Provo the next morning, planning to hit the Woodruff parade on the way. We got to Woodruff a little earlier than planned and had the pick of the parking places. We stopped at the Post Office to mail a letter and Bentley came out and said "are you sure the paraded is today?". "Yes", Lenn and I both said we had check with the highway patrol the night before and he told us it was the next morning at 10 a.m.. Come to find out he was wrong. The parade would be the following Monday!!! Bentley was just glad we hadn't unpacked the camp chairs and waited. We were on a great start for the day!

One of the reasons we couldn't decide whether to go or not is Owen's stroller. We no longer have a stroller that works for him. I called a SMA Mom to see if she knew of anyone that had one available. She told me no, but she told me what they did with their son years ago when strollers weren't what they are today. The story is hilarious, but I will keep it short. They rigged up a mechanics creeper and pulled him around where ever they went. Creative I would say. After talking to her I thought of our wagon we used when Owen was a baby and asked Lenn if he could figure something out. He went to work and rigged up our own homemade ride. Owen doesn't fit real well in the wagon but Lenn did a great job at making it work to carry him and his equipment.

~Some of the Johnson cousins~
Some of Lenn's family has a tradition of sitting outside the BYU stadium for the Stadium of Fire. We joined them this year and had a great time. I didn't get any pictures that night because I was holding Owen. He loved the fireworks, the louder the better. He would be watching with a small smile and then a noisy one would go off and he grinned from ear to ear. Bentley and Abby loved them too. I don't know what is more fun for them, the fireworks or playing with cousins while we wait for the fireworks.

While in Provo we called some of our friends from the NICU, Nic and Ashley. We haven't seen them since and it was so nice of them to come and visit. I have talked of them and their little angel before. Owen and their angel Mercydez share birthdays. We were so lucky to get to meet them while there. They have been such a strength and inspiration to us. Ashley's blog often serves as therapy for us. She is always so loving and positive when talking about her angel. Their family will always be very dear to our hearts.

They are such sweet people, they showed up with friend magazines for the kids to read on the way home and a huge sack filled with lunch for all of us. After they left Bentley looked in the sack and said he would eat their lunch anytime. Thanks Nic and Ashley.

This picture of Nic and Owen wasn't the one I wanted but will take it. Nic was talking to Owen and I could see the love Owen had for Nic. He was smiling and really into Nic. I was trying to get my camera without disturbing the moment but by the time I got it Nic was getting ready to leave and had told Owen good-bye. So that smile from Owen isn't on camera but will forever be in my mind.