I know it's been awhile since I have blogged! I have had so many things that I have wanted to blog about but I haven't made time to sit down and do it. I am not sure what in the world I have been doing!! It is time for some serious catch up, I will see what I can do!
Today I had that feeling to blog again so I thought I better share. Today in Relief Society our lesson was on service. I always feel so guilty for not commenting or sharing my thoughts on this subject. I hope my ward doesn't take that as being ungrateful. I have a really hard time sharing comments that are so connected to emotions. I get emotional and things go downhill in a hurry, so I do apologize. I wanted to share my feelings here about service.
The last 5 years we have been served in so many ways. It's hard to even make a list because I can't name them all. Owen was born late at night, early the next morning the service began. We were getting phone calls of love and support, our ward was fasting for our family and visitors began traveling far to come show there love.
Even though I was deeply horrified(but very grateful), friends came and cleaned the house and did laundry. I was so grateful for their acts of service on our behalf. They even cleaned out the fridge, yikes! Cards, letters and money started coming in the mail. I tried to keep up on thank you notes, but there were so many I couldn't in my current frame of mind, again I am sorry. Thank you!
Our ward and friends insisted on doing a benefit and auction for us and our families and communities we grew up in quickly jumped into help. Our benefit was one of the most humbling experiences I have ever felt or witnessed. I don't believe I will ever have the words to describe my gratitude to all those who put it together and then donated so generously. Thank you! Thank you!
Bags of goodies and games were brought to the hospital for us from friends in our past and current family and friends. Homemade bread with a can of soup from another NICU mom meant the world to me. Thank you!
A youth group came and helped us clean up the yard after being gone for so long. They DIDN'T even know us! I never heard one complaint for working in the heat. Those kids were incredible!
When Lenn was gone for 9 weeks in Texas I had friends and family literally take care of us! One friend would do all my grocery shopping. Two friends learned how to take care of Owen in case I needed them to. One friend stopped by countless times dropping off a frozen meal for a day when it was needed.
So many meals have been brought to us, and it's not like we live right in town down the street! I remember one day two friends brought us dinner and then turned around and headed to the other end of the valley to deliver another meal to a family with a new baby.
When Landry was born and then passed away it all started again, the laundry, meals, cards and letters. We had so much food that there was no more room on the counters, fridge or freezer. Some very thoughtful gifts were given with no name attached that still mean so much.
Seriously, I could go on and on! My point is is that service rendered to our family has been more than I can even comprehend. I do believe that love comes when you serve others or when you are served. I have come to love and respect people I barely knew because they chose to serve me and my family.
What all this service has done for me? It has made me want to be better, to do better, to serve more, to be less judgemental and more loving to everyone! Everyone has a story, we just don't always know it. I am trying to be more considerate of others because I don't know what is behind their public smile.
It is amazing to me what serving others can do. Today the teacher ended her lesson with a statement, "by allowing others to serve us, we are helping them". My thought was 'man we have helped a lot of people'!! I pray you have all been blessed for your acts of service.
We have been very blessed by our families and the community we live in! When and if I grow up, I want to be like all of you who have served me and my family! I love you and thank you for the service and love given in our behalf.
Saying Goodbye to 2024
3 months ago