The last little while has been a little tricky with Owen. He has been really good and then all the sudden he's not. I am pretty sure he likes to make sure we are paying attention!
About 3 weeks ago I noticed a pressure sore on his tailbone area. My heart sank because those are not good anywhere, but right there I knew would be tricky. I did want I had been told to do previously and then made a little donut for his bottom.
His doctor told me to keep a close eye on it and send pictures to keep them posted. I use duoderm, and since he isn't immersed in water for a bath it stays on for awhile. I thought I would take pictures each time the duoderm came off to compare any progress or worsening of the sore.
The second time it came off I was getting ready to send more pictures when I realized something about the sore wasn't right. I felt it and it felt like a scab. I softly scraped at it and it came off!!
The sore was gone and completely healed! I could not believe it! I still have a hard time believing it went away only after about a week and a half. I knew right then that I had just witnessed a miracle!
I was giddy the entire day! I couldn't help but feel my Heavenly Fathers' love for Owen and our whole family. I know that Owen is watched over day and night very closely by loving angel hands sent from above.
Saying Goodbye to 2024
3 months ago