In June we had very few days without rain. Three of those days we had massive hail storms with it. Bentley braved the weather to go get a handful of hail from in front of the door. I stayed inside and took the picture through the window!!!

Lenn isn't too into family pictures so one Sunday after he, Bentley and Abby went to church I decided I would get Owen and I ready and catch them at the door when they got home and snap a few pics with the good ol' self timer. They didn't turn out as well as I would have liked but it is a family picture none the less.

Who says you have to have the outdoors to set up a tent. We had Bentley and Abby's tent set up in the living room one day. The three kids spent half the day in the tent, coloring, reading and listening to music. Bentley and Abby made sure that Owen was involved with whatever they were doing. Bentley even helped Owen color a picture.
Bentley playing with Owen.
Owen enjoying his binki upside down! Whatever makes him happy, right!!
Abby loves to have her hair be curly or have it braided when wet so it ends up like this.

This was Audrie's last day of coming to see Owen. She moved away and we sure miss her.

Bentley says 'howdy', he is the best at mimicking his Dad.

Bentley at his piano recital. He started taking lessons last fall and is a natural. His teacher says she has never had a student try so hard to not like piano.
1 comment:
Looks like things are going great! Treasure every minute with those 3 little angels. Thanks for the phone call it really meant alot! Take care.
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