I mentioned we would do something on Landry's 'would be 6 months old" day on the other blog. I wanted to post on our family blog because it is as a family that we remember our little angel. The plans intended for this day have been put off, probably until his first birthday for several different reasons. We improvised and had a good day anyway.
We went to the cemetery to visit and release balloons and then we went to eat in Garden City. We got back too late for cake and ice cream so we put that off until the next day.

If you look close Owen is actually smiling!!

Six balloons for six months for Landry. We always have to get extras for the other kids.

Bentley releasing his balloons. We watched these balloons until they were less then a spec. Actually, everyone else did because I lost track of them pretty quickly!

We can't celebrate anything at our house without a cake. Lenn figures Landry is the only one who gets a cake for 6 months. I am not an artist but that is supposed to be a dragonfly on there.
I've been thinking a lot about you. I hope this bitter-sweet day was more sweet. Landry is one special little boy. I know he's close by, I know it.
What a special day! Lots of love your way
You are so awesome! I'm glad you guys had a good day, I'm sure Landry loved it. I love the cake too, I think you're a pretty good artist. Call me sometime!
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