Abby and some of her classmates that clog too.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
More December happenings
Abby and some of her classmates that clog too.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Gingerbread Houses
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Merry Christmas..lights
Friday, December 2, 2011
Decorating the tree
Monday, November 7, 2011
Halloween Fun

Thursday, November 3, 2011
Fall 2011 Pictures

Monday, October 17, 2011
Bentley's peewee football
We made it through another year of peewee football. This was Bentley's last year and next year he will be playing in Jr. High sports. His team had a great year with some really great coaches. The dad that was in charge this year got some of last years high school graduates to coach the boys. They did such a great job with them. The boys loved them and worked really hard for them.
In fact, they were so great I have to tell about our last game. In Cokeville 3rd graders play to help with numbers. This year there was a 3rd grader that has a love for football that is unmeasurable, but his physical capabilities hold him back a little. His one side is very strong but the other isn't as strong due to some strokes as a newborn. The coaches knew of this love and in the last game they had a special play just for him. They had the 5th graders go in to block for him to run the ball. They wanted him to score but it didn't happen but he made it a good 20 yards or so. It was incredible that these boys just out of high school would even think of such a thing. Not only did they make this 3rd graders day, they taught all those players a great life lesson. It is something that Bentley will never forget doing. He loved going in and blocking for this boy and will forever look up to the coach that had him do it.
With that said, enjoy the video of Bentley's years of peewee football!
Bentley's Peewee Football from Gayle Johnson on Vimeo.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Not already!!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Day 2 of our little vacation
Bentley and Abby were tired from the night before but they still seemed to have a good time. Bentley is always such a good helper when it comes to helping with Owen or his equipment. We decided to rent a wagon to pull around suction and diaper bag. Bentley insisted on pulling it around almost the whole time and you know how steep those little hills get when pulling or pushing something.
We had a great little vacation, not far from home and not too long. It was great. I was a little worried about germs but we survived and everyone is well.