I promised updates and I haven't been great. Sometimes it is hard to know what to write and how. Today has not been the greatest for Owen. He hasn't been himself. He has given a few smiles but I had to work for them.
Last weekend I had to drop his feeding rate again. He seems to be much happier at a slower rate. He has lost a little over a pound since we cut his food amount. I was happy with only a pound, I feared he would lose weight faster than that.
Last week his therapists came and brought some new toys. I am really excited and hope I can get him to use them on one of his good days. I will for sure document and share. The day they came he had a terrible day due to a faulty trach, which has since been discarded!! I felt so bad for Owen, after they left I changed his trach and put him down for a nap and he slept from around 3-9:30 p.m.. He was so exhausted and I felt terrible that I hadn't caught the problem earlier. He re-covered though. He doesn't have the reserve that he used too. It is hard to face that reality. But for now, Owen still smiles! I have often said, "as long as he has his eyes and smiles we can deal with anything." Thankfully he has been blessed with strong facial muscles to provide that.