Yesterday morning the phone rang early, so I knew either school was canceled or something was wrong. It was my dad and he told me that my Aunt Betty had passed away in the night. What? So unexpected! I asked if she had been sick or something? No, just didn't wake up. My heart skipped a beat or two and I am not sure it has really sunk in yet.
I was fortunate to live pretty close to all sides of my family while growing up but since I have been married I haven't seen any of them a whole lot. I keep up with most of them on facebook and I am grateful for that. Yesterday, I got on facebook and went to her page, she was always posting or commenting about her children and how much she loved them. This picture/quote was the last thing she posted! I am sure Heavenly Father knew her children needed this reminder as she was called back home.
It has been on my mind ever since. These were some of her last thoughts...last words. It took me back to a blog I read awhile ago talking about last words. The lady remembers her husbands last words and they are not kind or loving words. It has made me think, do I live in a way that I could be taken suddenly and have some of my last words be words of love? I definitely have work to do!
My Aunt Betty's quote has made me want to try harder, do better and make sure my last words are of love and kindness. Not one of us is guaranteed tomorrow and I need to do better to live that way.
My heart breaks for my uncle, their children, grand children and all their family and loved ones. They do have the gospel in their lives and the faith to know that it is true but I cannot imagine the heartache they are going through at this time. I pray for them. I pray they will feel their Saviors love and comforting arms around them now and for as long as they need it. I do KNOW that He is there for us and all we have to do is ask. I wish it could take the pain away but that is not the purpose of this life. We are to be tried and tested here on earth so that we can return home to our Heavenly Father.
"How fragile life, how certain death. We do not know when we will be required to leave this mortal existence. And so I ask, “What are we doing with today?” If we live only for tomorrow, we’ll have a lot of empty yesterdays today. Have we been guilty of declaring, “I’ve been thinking about making some course corrections in my life. I plan to take the first step—tomorrow”? With such thinking, tomorrow is forever. Such tomorrows rarely come unless we do something about them today." President Thomas S. Monson
What will your last words be? Not just as your leave this world, but as your leave your house, a family get together, when your children leave in the morning, when your spouse walks out the door? Let's make them words of kindness and love as though they are the last words to be heard. I hope to do better so that one day the words my loved ones remember are words that say 'I love you'.
To my Uncle Glen, Glenna, Travis, Jeanette, Kristen, Brandon and their families; May the Lord bless you at this time of loss and trial. May your testimonies be strengthened of eternal families and life. I pray you always know and remember your wife, mother and grandmother will be waiting for you to complete this earthly journey. Remember the quote she left days before returning to heaven 'I will be there for them anyway I can'. I am sure she is now a very busy lady but I know she will always take time to watch over those she loves so dearly. Sending much love to you all!
Saying Goodbye to 2024
3 months ago