Day 5
Our last day was spent traveling home. When we started through the airport we started seeing signs about dumping all liquid, we kind of ignored them thinking we were fine when we flew out of SLC. We were 100% WRONG! Every bag got checked but Bentley's.
Lenn was smuggling coke from Mexico, you know the coca cola,(the bottles were cute) and his big bottle of aloe vera.
Abby had about 6 capri suns hidden throughout her bag, thanks to Bentley packing them.
I had forgotten about the bottle of water I had packed in my bag. Jeez what heathens we are! It was a little embarrassing.
We made it through security...finally. Then we were off to Phoenix where we had a lay over for a few hours and then finally back to SLC. The ride in to SLC made us all sick but Abby. The weather was clear but it was sure a rough ride. I am not a huge fan of flying anyway! We made it and are so grateful to be home safely.
That was our trip in memory of Owen. We sure love and miss that cute, special boy in our lives.
Saying Goodbye to 2024
3 months ago