One night down and the rest to look forward to. Yesterday we packed up and headed for home. Of course it was during the four o clock traffic on foothill. Gayle said a prayer at one of the red lights and that seemed to calm the anxiety for a few moments. I took a deep breath and we made it to the mouth of parleys. Every mile was a milestone.
Since I had a lot of time to think and I went home last Thursday to work cows, I brought a trailer back to haul the van home. We needed to both be with Owen in case of an emergency and this saved on precious gas. Plus as you will see in future pictures we needed the room in the van for stuff. Where does one come up with all this stuff? We went to Salt Lake with the back of the truck loaded and some in the van. We just about needed a yard sale to come home, and that was only two months worth.

Here we are in Evanston and getting closer to home. We stopped for dinner because we knew what it was going to be like once we got home. Mom and dad happened to be in Salt Lake for meetings and we sent Bentley and Abby home with them. That opened up a little more room in the truck for Owen.

Finally home! As you can see by the picture we even did a little goat trading while we were in Salt Lake. Gayle was wondering why all the funny looks, then we remembered we had goats.
The kids made Owen a seat from their bean bag chairs. He seemed to enjoy it and it helped entertain him while we unloaded the cars.

And finally for all you people with neighbors within feet of your personal space.
Tadaa, here are my neighbors and they are many feet away from me!