Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sweet Angel- Mercydez

Sweet Mercydez earned her wings this morning and returned to live with her Heavenly Father. My heart hurts so bad for her sweet, enduring family.
I am so thankful for the knowledge of the gospel and knowing that this life is not the end. That knowledge doesn't make everything all better, but it seems to help ease the pain and make this life a little easier.
Their blog is on our blog list if you would like to visit it, it is A Forever Family. I hope that your prayers will continue for this family, mine will!


sjanney said...

Oh Gayle,

I am so sorry to hear this - will be thinking of and praying for this sweet family.

Sam J.

Leslie Garbanati said...

I have been following this family through your blog and all I could do yesterday was cry! They are in my heart and I wish I could take the hurt away for them-I know how bad this one hurts and I hate to think that someone's heart is as broken as mine is. Please give this family my love. Tell them it gets easier...everyday is a step closer to eternity! Give Owen loves for us. He is soooo cute and getting so big.

Travis & Adrienne said...

Thank you for taking the time to post a beautiful statement expressing love, concern, and support for my princess-neice, Mercydez.

Mercydez is incredible. She is truly one in a million. How grateful I am to have her for eternity. I am so happy she touched your life...she had a gift of doing that. She could influence a stranger to the fullest degree possible. How blessed are we to have known her?!?!

Thank you for your love. Thank you for taking the time to honor my adorable, perfect neice.

Much love,
Aunt Addy