I thought I would take the chance to write and express some feelings about Lenn since it is his birthday it gives me a good opportunity. I thought about this months ago and thought I would get a lot of great pictures ready and a great write up. Yeah right! It didn't happen, but I still love ya Lenn! I think what I love most about Lenn is his growth over this last 14 months. What a special Dad and wonderful husband he has been. Last year was one of the hardest years thus far and he really held me up and was there for all of us. When I was in SLC with Owen and he was home playing super Dad and Mom he was amazing. I would call the kids at night and they were fed, ready for bed and playing games. He was my backbone when mine wasn't there and Shelly was gone (way to go Shelly). He has taught me so much this last year; one is to stand up for what I believe. He didn't let the doctors persuade him like I did, he stood his ground. Yes, many times he wasn't liked but I am thankful that he did. He is probably still talked about at the Logan NICU! But that is okay, he was his babies' advocate. Enough serious stuff, he will want to ban me from blogging if I keep it up.

One of Lenn's finest qualities his is sense of humor, especially with Bentley and Abby. There are a lot of silly times with Dad. The funny thing is, is this is his favorite picture!!!

Then there's the soft side of Lenn, not many people get the privilege of seeing this side, but believe me it is there!

Of course, the world's best Dad would be on the list. Since Owen joined our family he doesn't take one moment for granted.

This is the tender side that I absolutely fell in love with. This is one of my favorite pictures!

He loves his kids and would do anything for them, even if it is build a fort out of scrap wood because they wanted a look out to be able to watch all the animals. I think he did a great job.

Don't forget his desire to work and provide for our family.
Happy Birthday Lenn! We wish you were home to enjoy it and celebrate.
Lenn's birthday is a huge deal to him, in fact he has tried to get it to be selected as a national holiday. We just don't know the right people I guess. A few years ago when he was driving the school bus he was telling the Mayor's husband about how important his birthday is and that he tries to celebrate it for at least 3 weeks. Next thing we know it is on the town marque. He was so excited, as you can tell, we had to a picture.
We were able to celebrate with cake and ice cream when he was home last weekend, but rest assured there will be more of a party later, after all it is Lenn's birthday!
Bentley did the candle work, we only had one 3 so he tried making another 3 with single candles, after Abby corrected us on Daddy's age. We thought he was turning 32, and Abby knew we were wrong and guess what, we were!
Thanks Lenn for all you do and have a happy birthday! We can't wait until you are done 'playing' in the mud and come home!
Lenn, I know how important your birthday is to you. And that is why Amy and I decided to make your birthday one of the most important days of our lives as well by getting married on March 8th. So get that petition over to us and we will sign it for the national holiday thing. All kidding aside, happy birthday, your a great friend and always have been.
Happy Birthday Lenn! And I ALSO think my birthday is VERY special. In fact...it's next weekend. I'm sure you will feel fairy dust raining down upon you that day. Yah - I'm a big deal.
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