I promised a long over due update on Owen..here it is. As I was going through the pictures from this summer I realized there were too many to post individually so I hope you can see them all.
This summer Lenn was gone most of the time so when he was home we decided to make the most of it. Owen has been healthy but you never know what tomorrow will bring. We wanted some family memories so we now have a few.
Owen is doing as well as he can. They are still surprised when we go to Primary's to see that he is doing so well. He does not have the reserve that he used to. He panics when the vent is disconnected for more than a few seconds. He cannot move his hands or fingers anymore. He can still barley move his ankle but his facial expressions are more than amazing. He gives us kisses, when he is in the mood. He is still such a blessing in our lives, and I would not trade him for the world.

1. Owen touched the temple. We had been wanting to do this and Owen was having an okay day so off we went. (After that he seemed to be back to normal, he so has our number.) 2. Owen petting a baby goat. 3. Owen saying hello to his Dad after a long time of being gone. 4. He made it to a few of Bentley and Abby's softball games. 5. We got brave and took Owen to a movie. Yes, a movie and he loved it, then we went to eat and hurried home.

1.What big sister can resist in dressing up her little brother. He loved the flower in his hair, or maybe it was the fact that Abby was laughing and giving him all the attention she could. 2&3. We went to the park and Owen loved watching the leaves rustle in the trees. 4. Abby let him help her stir her cup cake mix. He was not real sure about that. 5&6. Bentley and Abby were playing with the camera while I was holding him and the pictures turned out great. 7. Grandpa Johnson loves playing with Owen and Owen loves it too! 8. I can just imagine what he is thinking with Abby and Olivia kissing him at the same time. 9. We even took Owen to the Demolition Derby. He loved the noisy cars!

1. Owen loves Bentley. 2. Owen got used to his new stander and loves being in it now. 4. Owens' eyes. We don't get to enjoy these as much as I would like so I love this picture. His eye lids are getting weaker, especially his left one. In this picture you can't tell. Aren't they beautiful? 5. Owen loves to watch us help him color.

1. Kynlee kissing Owen's hand. Owen's cousin loves him and is beginning to show it. When she comes she wants to get to baby Owen. One night while she was drinking her bottle she had to pat and rub Owen's hand. It was so cute. 2. Owen has learned to show off his front teeth and he thinks it is funny. 3. Kynlee asking Owen if he wants "more" of her drink. 4. Owen looking to see if his lights are on. 5. Owen giving his best smile.
You are incredible Gayle. Owen looks fantastic!
What great pictures. I am so glad you dont take a second for granted! You are amaizng parents
I love all these pictures. What a great job you're doing of capturing your life with Owen. What a sweet spirit he must have. I love all the pictures of him. What a beautiful little boy! If you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to call me. Take care.
What a sweet boy! These pictures make my heart happy! Thanks for sharing! ;)
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