She is amazing. I told her our dilemma and she was off to work getting us a humidifier by the next day. That was great and all but Owen shouldn't be off his humidifier for more than 8 hours at a time, but that was the best we could do at the time.
I then called Lenn to tell him what was going on. He had to go to Rock Springs that day. We both started calling people to see if there was anyone in SLC that was coming back the same day. I had no luck, but Lenn had a feeling to call a cousin that he rarely talks to. He asked him if he was going to SLC, he said no, but their Aunts were down there picking up a grand daughter. (There is hope!) Lenn got off the phone and called his Aunt M. She said she was happy to pick it up for us and asked for the address. When Lenn told her the address she could not believe it. His Aunt was literally one block away from the equipment place. She picked it up and brought it that night. AMAZING, if you ask me.
When someone says miracles no longer exist, they just aren't looking. We have been constantly watched over since we have been home with Owen. It is simply amazing to say the least. I know the Lord's hand has been involved in all of it too.
Don't get me wrong, it hasn't been a walk in the park. We have our share of chaos and stress, but along with the chaos and stress we have been carried and watched over. Miracles do exist! We just have to be watching for them.