Since I always get so far behind I have to do highlights once in awhile.
Here's a little taste of Summer 2012!
Bentley's faux hawk. I think he combed it once so I finally just buzzed it all. He is not one to do his hair! |
Softball started off a little cold again! |
Two of our angels! Staci and Holly. Staci works for the medical company that has literally saved us so many times including making coming home possible. Holly was Owen's first home health nurse, she would come work nights while we lived in SLC.
We love them both. We got to see them in June when Lenn and I talked on a parent panel at a conference at Primary Children's. Owen's humidifier had died the night before so Staci met us with a new one and Holly watched Owen, Bentley and Abby while we were at the conference. Two amazing ladies! |
And Marquelle...she watched the kids while Lenn and I went to the temple for a sealing.
She was Owen's first nurse in the NICU at Primary's. Another amazing person! |
Bentley and Abby at the Conference Center. |
At temple square. |
If you haven't sheep are a new part of our family. I am not kidding either!
Bentley showing his ewe at a Jackpot. |
More softball. Abby loves softball, it's her favorite sport as of right now. |
Bentley with a few more home runs this year. |
Owen and Abby playing salon. Abby was helping Owen throw sponge curlers and he loved it. |
A few cousins. |
Abby was one of the duck stamp winners and her picture was in the museum in Jackson for the summer. Her picture is the top one. |
A primary lesson for Owen, which he absolutely loves. His sunbeam teacher still comes out every once in awhile to visit and give him a few lessons. He loves her. |
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