Saturday, January 31, 2009
--Winter came--

Friday, January 23, 2009
Owen's one year pictures, Abby's new hair cut

a camera turns his way, he is outta there!

Owen loves his Daddy and his whiskers!

We had a little photo shoot, I had a lot of fun. I am not sure Owen felt the same.

Oh PLEASE Mom, can we call it a day!

I love the picture part of blogs so I will try to give you a lot of them.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Owen, his elephant, and his first birthday
Owen has been a really special addition to our family. He and the Lord have brought us more blessings than one can count. One doesn't realize the blessings until you can look back on what has gone on. The best example is losing my job for Owen, I would have still been stuck in that rut getting sick and being miserable. Being unemployed I got to help dad for the summer and get a new job that pays a ton more and something that I think I will enjoy. I keep thinking back to the doctor that told us that "we will not have any more vacations." Who needs a vacation when you can come home and feel heaven under your own roof? I told the doctor that dad, with or without Owen, didn't allow vacations anyway! Even though Owen communicates through his eyes, he has a vibe to him that can make any day the best. I can be having the worst day and walk into the house. I wash up and go rest my head next to his to recharge. I think that is the closest to heaven a person can get. Even on Owens' bad days he always seems to have a smile or two for me.
We watched Emma Smiths' movie today, I thought that I had it bad. There was scene in the movie where she was comforting a child and she told Joesph that God was not going take another one of her children. I lost it! I am having issues about losing one of my kids, she lost six kids and her husband. I reiterate all one has to do is look over your neighbors fence to find out how good one really does have it. I will get off my soap box and leave with this quote I heard off the movie.
All these things shall give thee experience, and be for thy good and thine adversity; and thine afflictions will be but a small moment. And then if thou endure it well God shall exalt thee on high. --Joesph Smith
Happy Birthday Owen!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
What a YEAR
How fragile life, how certain death. We do not know when we will be required to leave this mortal existence. And so I ask, “What are we doing with today?” If we live only for tomorrow, we’ll eventually have a lot of empty yesterdays. Have we been guilty of declaring, “I’ve been thinking about making some course corrections in my life. I plan to take the first step—tomorrow”? With such thinking, tomorrow is forever. Such tomorrows rarely come unless we do something about them today.
--President Thomas S. Monson
Christmas 2008

Santa seemed to find us even though we live in the middle of no where. The kids got everything they wanted and more. I think my favorite part of the day was the prime rib and shrimp dinner. Then for supper I had a piece of pecan pie. If that tradition continues it doesn't matter if Santa comes as long as my oven works and there is a large chunk of beef in it.