Lenn is occupied for the time being, so I am trying my hand at the blogging world. I will do my best to keep you up to date. Enjoy the pictures!

Wearing one of his very cute birthday gifts, thanks birthday buddy!!

Owen loves playing with his tongue!

This is why you don't see much of Bentley on the blog. Whenever
a camera turns his way, he is outta there!

Abby's new do, in her new dress.

Nurse Abby seeing if her patient needs suction. Yes, this is for real, not staged.

Owen loves his Daddy and his whiskers!

Here is our 1 year old, I still can't believe it!
We had a little photo shoot, I had a lot of fun. I am not sure Owen felt the same.

Owen's top teeth trying to come through.

Oh PLEASE Mom, can we call it a day!

I am calling it a day, that was rough!
I love the picture part of blogs so I will try to give you a lot of them.
So cute. I can't believe that he is already a year! Thanks for sharing.
Hey Gayle,
I was so excited to find your blog. It's been fun keeping up with your family. Man everytime I look at little owen, it's a little miracle. He is such a happy little guy. Your kids are so dang cute. I can't believe that's little Bentley that I held in the hospital. Gosh your lives have done a total 180 from a year ago. I am so glad everything has worked out, how it has. Miss you guys. P.S. I loved the elephant cake. You've still got it girl.
Hey Coach Johnson. This is our family blog, but this is Livi. Sounds like you guys are doing great. I can't believe Owen is already ONE!! Time sure does fly. That cake is so cute. Way to go! Hopefully I can get out to visit you soon. Thanks for being such a great example to me.
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