Monday, May 25, 2009

My Saturday Project

I finished the fence around my house and needed to finish the driveway. I was debating over a cattle guard or gates. I wanted an arch way so my choices were wood or metal. I priced out the two and I had my work cut out to make an arch way with a peak out of wood.

Here is Dad and I setting the posts Friday night. We finished with the lights on the tractor. Eric and I had cut the peak that morning also.

We brought the peak down to the house to put it together so that we didn't break it.

Here we had the peak set and are hurrying to get the straps on.

Dad making sure Philip and I have the gates hanging right.

Here is the final look, except the sheep panels on both sides of the arch. I am going to connect the arch way to the fence with poles and run a pole along the top of the fence. I am far from done but I have a good chunk behind me.

A big thanks to Eric, Bret, Dad, Ryan, and Philip.

My Fencing Project

Philip and Bentley helping me fence around my house. I was at work when the cows got turned out behind us. With the fence not done the cows had free run at Gayles' trees and garden. Luckily they stayed away while I was away.

Philip and I finished the fence in one day.

Here is my ride into the arena on my kabota picture. Gayle was trying to get a photo with me and a cowboy hat. I was doing the hat wave that cowboys do when they ride around arena's. I came to the conclusion that cowboy hats are for working cows not fencing, every time I bent over to nail the wire my hat hit first.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

One year ago...lookin' back!

I can't believe today marks the one year anniversary of Owen being sent home from the hospital. One year ago our family was re-united for good, even though it wasn't home at first it was home because we were all there together.

So many things have happened but I must boost a bit (knocking on wood at the same time), we have not been back to the hospital for an inpatient stay. What a relief!

We have a new normal life now, but for the most part we all take it pretty well. Bentley and Abby have been angels, they never complain about not being able to do something or go somewhere because of Owen. They have the deepest, most sincere love for there baby brother and what an example they have been to me.

We seem to surprise many. I don't know what was expected, but people (mostly doctors) can't believe Owen has done so well. Mostly because we live in the middle of nowhere, where ventilators are unheard of. We just love him and do for him what you would do for any child. I have to brag for a minute, in the report we received from our last visit to Primary's it said "Since last seen, his parents have provided meticulous care for Owen.." We have done our best and hope to continue to surprise all the doctors!

I am finally catching up with the slideshow (thanks Tracy)! There are quite a few pictures, but when it came to re-capping a year I had a hard time only using a few.

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Be-lated Thank You!

Back when we went to Primary's for a day of check ups we happened to be sitting in the van waiting for it to be time to go in when Lenn thought he saw Toni, (from the palliative care team), pull up. I got out and yelled her name and sure enough it was her. We got to visit with her for a bit and then she went to see who was working in the NICU. None of our favorite nurses were working. So we go to Owen's first appointment and they finished and left the room, not 2 minutes later the door opens and in walks Shelly and Kathie (Social Workers from the NICU). They had this 'tiny' moose for Owen and two other stuffed animals for Bentley and Abby. It was so nice to see them and be able to visit with them.
So with that, thank you for always being so kind to our family! Bentley and Abby love them too, I am sure it has nothing to do with Shelly always having something for the two of them when we see her and whoever is with her!

Owen's 'tiny' moose that is just about as big as he is, but it sure is cute.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Cinco de Mayo~ Baby Shower~ Rain Gutter Regatta

What a week, and of course Lenn was working! Tuesday we had Bentley's Cinco de Mayo and I made it! Grandma Johnson stayed with Owen and all was well. Bentley and his class did a great job and it looked like they all had a good time. Tuesday morning Bentley asked me what matched with hot pink. I told him the different colors and then he asked if the orange shirt he was wearing would match. I told him no, but as you can see it didn't bother him enough to change. It all fit together when I walked in and saw that he got the pink costume.

It was really fun and I am grateful Owen did well and Grandma was able to care for him.

At the end they did the Mexican hat dance and then the class went to get someone from the audience to do the dance with them. Bentley chose Abby and I wish I could have gotten a picture of her face when he picked her. As you can see in this picture she had a ball.

Wednesday, Abby and I were able to go to Becky's baby shower, thanks to Tracy.

This is what Abby gave to baby Kynlee. Abby is so excited for this baby and for Becky to have finally moved closer.

Again Owen did well and Tracy was great. Thanks again!

Thursday was Bentley's rain gutter regatta in scouts. Owen was worrying me a little that day but Grandma came again and all was well. Thanks Grandma!

Back to the racing, Bentley was stoked he won all of his races, thanks to his Dad's design. After his second race Bentley said all the boys said "I don't want to race you"! Then his little buddy Andrew stepped up and they raced over and over. Bentley was so excited, he had worried and we had prepared him by telling him winning isn't everything and at least his boat looks cool. His boat sailed right down the gutter! Good job Dad!!

Lenn and Bentley at 6:30 in the morning. We had to get a picture before Bentley went to school and Lenn left for work. Lenn was sad that he wouldn't be able to be there. I am glad we got a few pictures before because in the rush to get Bentley from basketball and be on time I whacked the sail with my purse and knocked off some of the paint that Lenn spent a whole day trying to get to stay on. That is the luck! At least it was just the paint and not the glue holding the sail, right!!

So this week was full of activities but I want to point out the history in this. Three days and three babysitters for Owen and we all survived, ( I am speaking mainly of the mother)!