We got the bed. We didn't realized how heavy it would be until Lenn went to get it. It took six men to load it in the truck. We weren't sure what to do now. We wanted to wait and see what the insurance company said, but we had to do something with this bed. We decided to bring it in and use it for the time being. We had help from six high school athletes, one of Lenn's tough friends :) and Lenn's Dad. It took all of them and Lenn's one arm to get it up on our deck and into the house. Thank you to all who helped. We really could not have done this without you.
A few days ago we got a letter from the insurance company telling us the bed was denied. We would have been devastated but instead we were thankful to have had a back up plan. Thank you again.
While bringing the bed in, they had to tip it on its side and doing that did something to the bed. It did not work right. After all that work, now only the one side would lift. Lenn did a little thinking and then got under the bed with his helper Bentley. He was able to fix it and it is good as new. Thank you Lenn. He can fix just about anything!
Owen in his new big boy bed. A dream of any almost three year old boy, to have a bed that is a machine!! He likes it, mostly because he can watch TV from bed now.
The bed is in great condition and clean. The mattress even impressed Owens' physical therapist.
We are so thankful, he was almost touching both ends of the crib. A normal bed probably would have been the end of my back. Again we have been watched over and taken care of.
How awesome!! Im so glad he gets to have a big boy bed now!! HOORAY
Yeah! So glad you went with the back up plan...stinkin insurance! Owen looks so comfy in that big boy bed...I love that he loves making choices for himself. What wonderful parents and siblings Owen has to think of the tiny, even seemingly unimportant things, that I tend to take for granted. You guys are wonderful! ;)
That's great! It looks nice too. Yay for Owen!
Abby's drawing is so good!!
What a sweetie...he is getting so big and I swear he is sweeter in every picture! Yeah for the little things and the little miracles that make the biggest difference.
What a blessing for a big boy bed! How awesome for Owen. Insurance companies really suck don't they? Thankfully you got a bed anyway. Take care. :)
I'm so glad you had a back up plan, although if you hadn't you know I'd have been more than happy to give your insurance company a ringie ding. ;)
He looks amazing - what a superhero he is - your family reminds me of all the good in the world.
Thinking of you all.
Sam J.
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