I have taken up a new hobby this year.....hanging, stringing, pretty much buying Christmas lights. Rocky mountain power employees I will leave my address later in the post for thank you notes.. I got a hunkering to put up lights this year and boy did I. Now the participation part, all of you get to guess how many twinkling things there are and you might win a prize.

This is one of my greatest creations for the year, my stable and star! Had to get the true meaning of Christmas in my decorations this year.

This picture was taken before I got my deer and nativity set up.

Here is the final view.

I have to tell the story of buying the deer. Allwest had a trencher that broke down in front of my house this fall. Being an eyesore, the ole ditch witch trencher was going to get into my decorations. I bought two male deers, some white lights for reins, and some motion lights to go around the tracks. I was looking for a santa to put in the seat and some presents to put on the roof of it. Long story short, it was good that I had to take some calves to Riverton. Cause when I got home from that trip the allwest boys were here working on it and ended up taking it home. So no trencher santa sleigh for me this year! Now I have two male deers! Had to take one back and get a doe, really don't want to send the wrong message in my front yard..
I am adding a few more every day but I am doing the competition as to the lights you see in the pictures. I am working on something for Landry. I guess to be honest I was really hoping he would see the ole house from heaven...
Ill be he does see your house from heaven smiling down watching you put them all up!! im going to guess you have 3,800 lights :0)
I love all the light! I really wish I had that kind of energy, you are THE woman! I'm sure Landry knows you are thinking of him always and miss him so much. Just think of the Savior holding him for you and telling him what an awesome mommy you are. You WILL have him again and that is the best knowledge you will ever receive.
I'm guessing 10,000 lights. Why not? The bigger the better I always say! Love you. Take care.
Becca-No, no, I am not THE WOMAN! This is all Lenn with a little help from the family. This was Lenn's idea and work!! He did a great job didn't he?
Oh your lights look amazing!!! You have such a wonderful family and I truly admire your faith!
I love you and your family so much. Thank you for your beautiful letter and picture... and the necklace is just so special. I love it. I've worn it over and over and over and over. You are amazing Gayle.
I hope your Christmas was amazing and I hope your New Year's is great. I know the holidays are wonderful... but oh, so hard. It's something not many really understand... I hope you've felt your Landry close by. I love you guys so much.
Sending love to you all.
PS I LOVE all the lights! Love love LoVe it!!!!
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