Bentley wrestled in March. He did great and we are happy he found success. At the end of the practices the High School wrestling coach was playing a game with them where one wrestler tries to get the other one on his back. The coach could not get Bentley on his back. I think that made Bentley's mind up about wrestling or basketball!

It was also the Pinewood derby, again he did great. He couldn't have done it without a pretty great Dad who LOVES to make these cars.

Owen and his treats from story hour. He absolutely loves this little bear. He wanted to look at it all that day.

We still had so much snow until the last week, Bentley decided to go make a 'snow Bentley'. It was so cute. He, Abby and a cousin went out to make this and when we looked out the window it was only to the waist and it was as tall as Bentley already. As I went to get the camera it fell over while Bentley was trying to add an arm. Lenn yelled out and told him to stay there and he would come help him fix it. This is how it turned out.

Landry's birthday was also in March, it wasn't as emotional as I thought it would be but we tried to stay busy. It was sad and different celebrating a child's birthday when that child is no longer with you, but we want to celebrate to keep his sweet spirit alive and with us.
1 comment:
Tell Bentley I love the snowman! Kamille was after me to go make one, but I just couldn't get out there to help her. Owen looks so good and I'm so glad the new formula is working better for him. What a sweet little angel. I'm sure the 1st birthday was really hard, I'm sorry for that feeling. I'm glad to see you made a cake for Landry, I bet he loved it. Take care.
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