Owen's appointments went well. His weight hadn't changed much at that time, which was great. Dr. Murphy was amazed at how well his bowels were working because of how slow they sounded. Every doctor is always amazed at how well Owen has done. They give us the credit, but for me the credit all goes to our Heavenly Father.
Here is another little angel, her name is Lauren. She and Owen were in the NICU together and we were able to meet her and her parents, Keith and Rushell, when we were making the big decision of whether to trach Owen or not. When we met this little girl we knew it would be okay. She still has her trach but is only on the vent at night. Her parents were great support to us and have cheered us on. I have even called Rushell for quick emergency advice and the calls end with "I will say a prayer for you". Such a sweet family. We are so grateful we were able to meet such great people like them and others through this journey we now call life!!
After his appointments we went upstairs to meet another NICU Mom going through the same decision about to trach or not. While we were there we were able to see a lot of our 'NICU family'. It was great to see them, in the hallway just for a visit! After we left there I realized I didn't take one picture of any of them, I was so sad. But we love them all!
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