Owen has been sick for about the whole month of January. I wanted so badly for him to get over it on his own. Finally last Monday I realized he wasn't, he was miserable and his heart rate was showing it. So I called his doctor and she diagnosed him over the phone, because he gets the same thing every time. She said if he isn't feeling better by Thursday bring him in. I said okay and she said she would cross her fingers that this would work because she knew Lenn would be gone and it would be difficult to get him there. Thursday comes along and Owen couldn't have been better. The nurse was here to do her checks and he was so happy, making faces at her and sticking his tongue out. All WAS well! Friday evening on the other hand went a little different. His heart rate went way up and his oxygen needs went up by more than a liter in an hour. That's a lot for him. I was in denial. I kept thinking I should call his doctor but kept thinking I will give him until Monday. Sunday afternoon he was worse so I called the doc., she said get him to the ER. I, of course panicked, "what do I do without Lenn", I called his sister and she came right over. She stopped and picked up another sister and niece to stay with the Bentley and Abby.
I am just not the pro at getting everything ready to go like Lenn is. But we made it out the door. I was carrying Owen, Nellie the vent and Kristi (the caboose as Abby said) with the Oxygen. I am sure we were quite the sight! We get to the van, Nellie puts the vent in and immediately it begins to alarm. ( I won't go into the details because until about a year ago I didn't have a clue what any of it meant, so I don't expect you to know.)
Anyway I couldn't figure it out but it was saying to he wasn't getting the pressure he needed. So I ran back in the house to get a few "just in case items" and then we started on our way. I later figured out what the problem was and it was no big deal.
We got to the ER and Owen's special doc. met us there. They got us in and immediately went to work. I was seriously thinking 'where are we because last time we were here they just kinda looked at us like what do we do with him'. They were great and the knew what they were doing or else played it off pretty well.
Come to find out he just had some bad infection in his throat. They did a lot of tests and cultures though, and they can take a few days to truly see what was going on.
The whole time I just knew they would send us on the Primary's but to my relief she sent us home with more antibiotics.
I called the kids and told them we were on the way home and they were so excited that we were coming home. Before we left I had tried to prepare them for the worst incase we didn't come home and had to go the SLC. As I was getting Owen ready I said "why do you make us all worry?" Bentley said "Mom that's his job!" I guess when you love someone so much it doesn't take much to make you worry.
I don't think I have felt that good in a long time. Home is taken for granted way too much.
One the way home one of Lenn's sisters' said, "a few more of these trips and we could replace Lenn." I said 'let's not even go there."
Owen seems to be doing a little better already. What a relief and a great blessing.
Saying Goodbye to 2024
3 months ago
How scary! Karen just let me know about your ER trip this evening. Wouldn't you know that it would just have to happen right NOW!!! I'm glad to hear that you had such wonderful support waiting in the wing and I'm doubly glad to hear that Mr. Owen is doing better! If there is anything I can do to help, don't hesitate giving me a call!
Glad everything turned out OK. I don't know how you handle that kind of stress. You're amazing.
I think you need to include MOM to the rescue in your title as well. I'm so glad that Mr. Owen is doing better - you're one tough cookie Gayle.
Thinking of you all and sending lots of "get wells" to Superman.
Sam J.
Owen is so lucky to have an amazing Mom!! Good for you. I am so glad you didn't have to come and visit us here in SLC. The horrible air would have just made it worse!!
Hope all is well...
Love Kathie Neff
My goodness! What a crazy, and unfortunate, adventure! I am SOOOO sorry! I'm so relieved that they didn't send you to the horrible place (yes, that's just my opinion). I'm glad you were able to stay home. Lenn should be soooooo proud of you! I hope Owen gets to feeling better. Mercydez has been sick too. It totally stinks.
We love you guys! I hope all is well now!
Owen...We are glad to hear you are okay! I cringe at the thought of going back to PCMC and know how you feel! You are such a cutie-we love to peek in on you! Take care of yourself and your mom and dad too!
I am glad I didn't get a chance to see you! It's nice to hear the doctors up there are so good with him. Doesn't hurt that he's got Supermom to watch over him. Hope he's feeling better! Brian
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