I found the secret to aging at LEAST 20 years in LESS than 10 minutes! All you have to do is be sleeping peacefully and have Owen's ventilator decide to malfunction at 1 a.m. It gets your blood going so fast that is cleans out your veins too. So last night I went to bed 31 years old and today I think I am at least 51!
I tried waking up Bentley to come bag Owen but he was so sound asleep. I hated to call my father-in-law that late but I finally did when I realized I still only had two hands and one body to do everything. I am so thankful for him being willing to take a crash course on bagging Owen in an emergency situation. THANK YOU! After he got here I was able to check out the vent better and I ran to the basement to get the back-up vent. I came up stairs, got it plugged in and felt a strong impression (again) to turn off the vent and turn it back on. Since we never turn it off, I couldn't even find the right button. I had said a prayer earlier and realized that I had better listen. I turn it off and back on, and it has been fine since.
He is still on his regular vent but it will be sent for some service as soon as another vent comes as a back-up. Wow! What a night! Just when you think you have been through all the scenerios. I was even actually thinking about leaving Owen next week and going grocery shopping. Last night I thought 'no thank you'. I will keep sending lists with somone else.
Owen is doing fine and I think my father-in-law is recovering okay too.
After Owen had settled down and was going back to sleep I looked at him thinking what a special blessing and oh man was that scary.
It has been an equipment week, I decided. Wednesday morning the lid on his feeding pump broke and won't work if it isn't shut tight. I have rigged it thus far to keep it working and Lenn said "you can always tape it."
Lenn figures I should have all the kinks worked out before he comes home!! I sure hope so!
Everyone celebrates Friday's, I am begining to really dread them. Something has gone wrong every Friday for the past 4 weeks.
Saying Goodbye to 2024
3 months ago
HOLY cow! I think that would have aged me at LEAST 50 years! You're amazing, Gayle! Keep up the awesome work!
Is this Gayle talking or Supermom/nurse/woman? I can't tell. You made it through and someday hopefully Owen will be able to say Thank You out loud. Thanks for sharing the ups and downs, it helps me be more humble.
Oh my gosh Gayle! What a freaky night! I would have lost it. Good job for hanging in there and LISTENING... I am so impressed with you.
I don't blame you. You must dread Fridays like I dread night time. Mercy is doing better about sleeping through the night, but I'll tell ya... it's tough knowing the world is sleeping while you are up, awake, with extremely droopy eyelids. You are most definitely a supermom!
PS It was soooo great to talk to you the other day. After we hung up I felt like I could take on the world. You are such a great example. Owen is so blessed to have you as his mommy.
Gayle...I had no idea that Lenn was working in Texas (is he always gone for long stretches and that far away?) Oh my gosh, girl, you are Supermom in so many ways. I can't believe what a cutie Owen is (yes I can) and how well you handle things. You are blessed with good people around you! I wish I was closer, I would lend my hands in any way. Take care!
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