Owen was still sick in this picture but I just love it so I had to post it!

Owen is feeling better!! We got another shot at getting a picture with his special flag. He did get over pneumonia. We were very blessed to have yet one more miracle happen in our home. We were preparing ourselves and getting ready to prepare Bentley and Abby for the worst. Within 24 hours of this conversation between Lenn and I, Owen's lungs were clear. I couldn't believe it, I kept listening over and over to his lungs thinking I was hearing things. I wasn't, I was doing a happy dance at 5 am while getting him ready for a long day of appointments at Primary's! His x-rays at Primary's were clear of pneumonia.
Sooo glad to hear he is doing better. I remember preparing Dustin's brother and sisters also for what may happen... Hate to think about it. Give him a kiss for me!! Owen, you are one tough little guy. You keep fighting!!
Whoops! My kids call me Gladys... Long story.
take care
Sandra Matthews
Whoohoo! So glad to hear this. You keep showin' 'em Owen. :)
So glad he's doing better!
I heard that you were in town and did not call me! So glad to here that he is doing better.
WAY TO GO!! We are so happy to hear he is doing better!!!
That is such great news! Glad Owen is feeling better. Have a great week!
Gayle, you are amazing. Owen looks sooo cute! I absolutely love his hair. I'm so grateful that Owen is doing better... that his lungs are clearing up. What a blessing.
I'm sorry you were down at Primary's. Ug. I'm sure you had lots of fun down that way, right?
I'm thinking of you and praying for our sweet li'l guy. Hang in there Owen! You are a MIRACLE!
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