My cousin Ryan Johnson has been serving our Country in Irag for the past eight months (it could be longer but Gayle couldn't remember). Ryan brought a flag to Owen that had been flown over Iraq in an F-16. Ryan told us that his flag is the only one that was involved in combat, and that very mission they dropped a bomb and rid this world of over 30 taliban militants. I was in Texas when Gayle called and let me speak to Ryan. Gayle forgot to get a picture with Ryan and Owen, but we are honored to have this gift. I talked to a desert storm veteran that was in my class and he told me that you have to know someone to get this done for you. So I don't know who Ryan knows but we are very proud of him and Owen.
We tried to get a better picture with Owen but he is having a rough week. I think the whole pneumonia thing is winning this game. We have more medicine coming thanks to Dr Depalma. We will keep you posted!
What an honor! That is so neat! Owen is so adorable! Does he seriously have pnuemonia?? Is he okay? Are you guys okay?
I'm glad Lenn is back. I hope things only get better and better for you guys.
We love you. We are always thinking of you, praying for you. Give Owen a kiss from us.
Thinking of you all - please keep us posted on Owen's pneumonia and hang in there - he is one tough lil fellar. :)
Take care and so glad that Lenn is back safe and sound!
Sam J.
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