Last Saturday we got a call from Grandpa Johnson. He was calling to tell Bentley to get ready and he would be up to pick him up. Later he called me back and asked if I could get a lunch ready for Bentley because he was out brushing dragging. He re-assured me that it was a small tractor, he was going slow and he didn't leave Abby to ride with Bentley. I was screaming 'WHAT' inside but I knew it was coming one of these days. He told me, "I didn't want to tell you until he was out there and doing okay." I think if he could have gotten Bentley a lunch, I wouldn't have known until Bentley came home beaming that he had driven a tractor all day. (Which beaming is probably an understatement).

Do you think this may be the culprit for child labor laws???
The bad thing is, now Bentley won't stop asking when he can do it again. He loved it and all went well. My little boy is growing up too fast.
What it is is character building. Great job Bentley. ;)
Okay, so Blake isn't alone! He can hardly wait until it's time to hay so he can rake. I hear about it at least every other day!(SIGH!!!) Driving a tractor/backhoe is like a dream come true in their minds! Gosh, Ashlie sounds like Jason's sister and Ernie's daughter in her comment above! Ha,ha,ha!
And a boy can't be a Johnson without his tractor...Too cute! Go Grandpa Bob! Tell Grandma and Grandpa Johnson hi from me. I haven't seen them since I was probably in high school and they were driving the bus....ohhh the days.
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