He immediatly needed CPAP to keep his lungs open but since 4:45 tonight he has been on high flow nasal canula and his doing great. (I hate to even get excited!)
He weighed 7 pounds 13 oz. and was 20 inches long.
We will post more pictures and updates as much as we can.
I am at the hospital and Lenn is home doing everything so if we don't answer your phone calls be patient and we will return them when we can. Thanks for your love, support and prayers.
A big thanks to a great nurse tonight for trusting me with her computer!
A big thanks to a great nurse tonight for trusting me with her computer!
Thanks Tracy and Vonda for helping with Owen and everything else you have done with Abby and and house. You are great!!
Congratulations!! He's beautiful (handsome)Our prayers are with you and little no-name I'll be back Sun. if I can do anything. I will check in. Love you, Karen
Oh Gayle he is a beautiful baby. I love stocking your blog to see what the latest with your family is. Im so glad to hear that your baby is here safe and sound. Good luck with everything and keep on posting:)
gAYLE,Lenn and new baby boy, Our thoughts and prayers are will all of you and hope that things are going well. He is beautiful. We are here if we can do anything. Love Aunt Mary Kay
Beautiful! Thank you so much for the updates -thinking of you all.
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