Today: More improvements were made by our little man, (still with no name). Last night they took him off CPAP and he is still off and being weaned off the high flow. He started digesting food today. We are trying not to get too excited just in case but it sure is hard. I came home this afternoon and when I left he was more alert, wanting to suck a binki and moving a lot more. I never thought you could be proud of a baby but I sure am. I can't believe what a little fighter he is. It was so hard to leave him there but I knew I had to get home to celebrate Abby's birthday tomorrow and just being home is a comfort. I knew that he would have an amazing nurse tonight so I knew he would be okay.

This sticker is right above his bed and the nurse picked this room for him because of it.

This is what I left today, man was it hard!! Again I know he is in good hands. Thanks Ainsley.
Everyone asks "what can I do?", well I am actually going to ask for something. Please keep the prayers coming, they are being answered. I do believe in miracles.
Thank you to everyone already. We are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends.
Congrats! What a beautiful little boy!
He is amazing! I have worried and wondered about you the last few days. We will pray for your family-especially your newest addition.
Congratulations on your beautiful son! I have been thinking of you nonstop. Truly.
My prayers are with you and baby boy Johnson. I hope you're both recovering. I pray Baby Boy can come home soon.
How I love you and your family.
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