Owen had a doctors appointment yesterday. We had to go see about his g-tube button. The doctor said everything looked great. He showed us how to take it out and put it back in. We were sitting in the little room and I realized I hadn't put a humidifier on Owens tubing. So away to the phone I went trying to find an RT. I finally got a hold of Tricia in the NICU and she sent us down a hand full. Thanks a bunch. I guess it pays to stay somewhere for over four months, you get to know everyone.

After the appointment we went upstairs to the NICU to say hello to some friends. Luckily Earl and Amy were both on yesterday. Earl, the famous Wyoming nurse, is the only man in the picture. He moved into a house not far from us. Amy, eh? the Canadian, is our hoser in the middle (hoser in Canada means best friend). She is the one that taught us a weed eater's true name is a whipper snipper. I think she was Owens first girlfriend, because he does the kissy lips for her and no one else. Kiley, in the red, was Owens occupational therapist and a family hit. Kiley was more of an aunt to Owen than a therapist. Now to the social workers, Shawnee, far left helped us out when Shelly, far right, decided to go on mid week vacations and she told us secretly that Shelly hated being called honey. So Shelly was sweety and honey for a few days before she caught on. Back to the vacations that only happened when there were major decisions to make. For instance, Shelly our social worker, decided to take the rest of the week off when we were being forced to south davis. Luckily Shelly came back and helped us avoid there. Shelly was Gayles' backbone and a family favorite. She also has a blogspot and I will give a pop to anyone that gives me her site. Because for some odd reason Shelly would not give me her site.
We took Owen's wagon and crew to the doctors office and everything went great. Owen is developing his personality more and more each day.