We got to go to another Bee's game Tuesday night. This time it was in the Huntsman Suite! Holly our favorite night nurse got us some tickets with her family for the game. We left Owen home with a nurse and took Bentley and Abby. I had taken Bentley and Abby to the Monday night game because it was $3 night. We made so many friends the time we took Owen, we got our dinner paid for by the operations VP. We went to the ballpark a little early and the kids got some autographs from some of the players.

Bumble the Bee's mascot came by for a personal visit.

Bentley and I figured the summer heat was way too much for us. So we went to a barber shop down the street and told them to shave it off.

Here is the family minus Owen. We had great seats and the game was awesome. The Bee's won in extra innings by a run. The bottom of the tenth, Brandon Wood drove in a run from second base on a single. The call was extremely close but the ump gods were on our side and he was called safe!
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