We had an appointment with ENT in Primary's last week. We called up to the NICU to see if Dr. Chan happened to be around. Gayle asked him if he could slip away to come see Owen and he told us to meet him in the foyer. We went to the foyer and here came Dr. Chan. I had to do a thing on Dr. Chan because he is the sole reason for Owen being here. Back in February, we were having a hard time getting Owen off the ventilator. I had to go home to feed and told Gayle to try Owen one more time off the vent. They took him off and he went for a few days and then gave out. Gayle called me and told me he was going back on the vent and the docs had given up hope. I told her to rent a family room, I would bring the kids, see Owen for the weekend and unplug him on Monday. Somehow Dr. Chan caught word of our wishes and came by to talk to Gayle. He brought hope back to our family by showing us through the medical nonsense and seeing Owen. So we pushed on and gave Owen a new chance at life. He will not tell us, but I think we might have gotten Dr. Chan in trouble by consoling with him and not the doc that was currently on. One night we called and Dr. Chan was going to be covering the night shift, so we made a plan to extubate Owen on Dr. Chan's shift. I ran down and at ten that night we extubated Owen. He actually went for five days after that extubation before he needed reintubated. Dr. Chan has been really special to this family and Owen. He will not take any credit for anything he has done, but we all know in our hearts, Dr Chan is Owens' guardian angel.
1 comment:
Aren't the docs and nurses at PCMC amazing! In so many ways, they are our children's guardian angels! We are glad to hear things are going well. We hope you get to go home soon!
Mason and his Family
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