Bentley wanted to do about everything at Landry's funeral and I hesitated because I feared emotions would take over but was sure he could do it. Bentley read the eulogy and did a better job than I could have ever imagined doing myself. What a strength our 9 year old son is to us.
The miracle of 23 days
Landry Gale Johnson was born March 30, 2010. He came into this world with a weak little body but a determined spirit to fulfill his earthly mission. He started out on machines and fought each day for four days to get of the machines, breath on his own, drink a bottle, prove himself to everyone, and most of all come home. He had a mission to come home with his family and he did it. We were given 23 precious days and only eight were in the hospital. One of the eight days he was able to meet his siblings and celebrate Abby's birthday.
In 23 short but precious days he was blessed to have met 2 special doctors. Dr. McKenna gave him a blessing stating that his time on earth with his family would be rich. It was! Each kiss, hug and snuggle will be a memory to never forget. Dr. Chan was the ray of sunshine, as always. "I think we are coming out of the woods," he would say when we would call with another improvement.
His mission was to come home.
We gave him love-he showed us charity.
We gave him kisses-he filled our hearts with kindness.
We held him-he gave us comfort.
He showed us how much you can love someone in a short 23 days.
He was reunited with his grandparents, great grandparents, cousin, and many other angel friends on April 21, 2010. Although this time is a struggle we have been shown and given the pure love of Christ. We will forever be grateful to our Heavenly Father for the precious gift of our 23 day miracle, Landry Gale.