Thursday, April 8, 2010

"There's NO place like home!"

We clicked our heels three times and made it home yesterday. We had to postpone a day for weather but yesterday went great.Welcome home little Landry Gale!
A HUGE thank you to Vonda and Tracy this last week. Two earthly angels helped us out more than they will ever know!


Leslie Garbanati said...

I am so happy to see these pictures of your new baby at home. I have been checking to see what the latest news is.... What a blessing! Please know your family is still in our prayers!

Unknown said...

Glad to see that you are home and all of you together. i will keep praying for all of you. You are in our hearts and minds even tho you don't hear from us. I know how busy you are. Think about you often. Love Aunt Mary Kay

Keri said...

Always thinking of you! Glad you made it home! Adorable baby boy! Love that cute blond hair.

Nic and Ashley Haws said...

I'm soooooooooo grateful you are ALL home together! What a HUGE blessing. I'm glad everything is going better. I have been thinking of all of you NONSTOP.

How are YOU? How are you recovering? How are you doing everything? You truly are SUPER MOM.

Brian and Rebecca Nate said...

I'm so glad he got to come home. What a beautiful little boy! Congrats!

Jenny said...

So glad to hear that you've gone home!!!! I love his name, especially the Gale.

I'm sending hugs your way.