Bentley is 13!! Yes, officially a teenager! What could be scarier than that? He had so much fun on his birthday, his smile tells it all!
As usual, we had some last minute planning going on...I know that's weird! Lenn asked "do you want to take a friend with you?". I think that is when the cheesy smiles began. We usually just do things as a family because we are so last minute and we never know what Owen might throw in there.
Lenn and the kids went and picked up the friends and came back to get Owen and I. It was a little squishy but no one minded. The kids giggled pretty much the whole ride.
As we turned to head up Logan canyon, we noticed the go cart place was open. We quickly changed our plans to include a stop there. We have wanted to take the kids there but never have so Bentley was ecstatic to be able to go there.
During the wait! |
Once Lenn bought tickets for the kids and watched a little, he had to go back and buy one for himself! |
Abby was not a lover of this! Her face showed stress the whole time! |
After they got done, we all got in the van and someone mentioned "let's do it again", so they all piled out to go race again. This time Abby rode with her friend and had a better time!
In the first race Bentley got bumped by one and then the other and flipped around. He was giggling through the whole thing. I wish I got it on camera. |
And they are off.....on the second race. |
I believe they said 'no bumping' but looked what happened! Bentley's friend got the bump and hit this time. |
The real reason for this trip was the Utah State football game.
Big Blue came around so I went and grabbed him to get a picture with Owen. Owen really was happy at this point but once I lifted his shade all smiles were off! It really was perfect football weather: not hot, not cold and no wind. Owen was perfect temperature wise, which is hard to get anymore. |
Then Lenn and I both noticed the clouds coming in. We were sitting apart so we were texting each other about the storm. We decided to wait until half time and then Owen and I would finish the game in the van to avoid a down pour. We watched the clouds closely and at half started for the van. That's when the excitement began! Owen's vent was alarming and Owen did not look good but my thought was to get to the van and do a cough assist. (We have the new cough assist that runs on battery, yay!! Thanks Staci!) After Lenn suctioned and it kept alarming we knew something was not right. Lenn looked and it was a low pressure alarm, which means there is a leak somewhere. We got Owen in the van and could not find the leak. Lenn handed me the bag and I bagged while Lenn kept looking for the leak. He found it but it was not good!! The stroller tire had rubbed a hole in the tubing, yes the tubing that brings breath to Owen!! Not good to say the least! I remembered the duct tape and told him where it was and he fixed the hole. Owen was pretty spent but was okay. It took him awhile to recover.
In the mean time, the down pour had begun and the kids were still in the stadium. Lenn had left his phone with them and each time I called, Bentley told me they wanted to stay. The game was a blow out so we thought they would want to leave, no way! 'The game was awesome' Bentley told me and was mad when I told him they had to leave before it was over. They were soaked and still giggling. I didn't hear one complaint from any of them! |
This year Bentley wanted cheese cake for his birthday cake. I wasn't sure what to do with myself, not planning and making a cake was a little weird for me. It was so easy and yummy too! |
Happy 13th birthday Bentley! He is just a goof almost all of the time. I can't get a normal picture very often, he is always making some kind of face!
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