Sunday, December 19, 2010
Light Contest
Monday, December 6, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Owen's Big Boy Bed!
Bentley's Solar System
Bentley was so funny he studied the pictures of the planets and then wanted to paint his planets identical to the pictures. That just doesn't happen in our household! He did a great job though!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
A little of everything

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
~Halloween 2010~
Thursday, October 28, 2010
So fun!
Today she read a cute Halloween book and then colored this scarecrow for Owen. We have been giving Owen more choices lately (he chooses with his eyes). She would hold up two colors and he picked the colors she used with his eyes. It was so fun to watch his eyes light up each time she finished coloring an area. Thank you.
Monday, October 11, 2010
~six months~
We went to the cemetery to visit and release balloons and then we went to eat in Garden City. We got back too late for cake and ice cream so we put that off until the next day.

If you look close Owen is actually smiling!!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
What a good guy! Go Jimmie Johnson
"Cookies for Kids' Cancer Wins Additional $20,000
By Earning the Most Votes in Samsung Helmet of Hope for More
Jimmie Johnson Foundation surprises 2nd-place Gwendolyn Strong Foundation with an additional $20,000 grant after reading email exchange between the top-two charities
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (Oct. 1, 2010) – Cookies for Kids’ Cancer became the deserving winner of an additional $20,000 grant after earning the most votes in the Jimmie Johnson Foundation Samsung Helmet of Hope for More campaign.
Four-time reigning Sprint Cup Series champion Jimmie Johnson revealed the winner on Speed Channel’s “Trackside Live” program Friday evening. Johnson also surprised second-place finishing Gwendolyn Strong Foundation by announcing that it would also receive a $20,000 grant, a decision made after Johnson and his wife Chandra received an email exchange between the top two charities.
“We were part of an amazing email exchange between Cookies for Kids’ Cancer and the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation that took place after the voting contest ended. Each charity could see their voting percentage tally online, and it was clear the contest was between these two organizations. On their own, they decided that regardless of which charity won, they would split the $20,000 grant,” explained Johnson. “Here are these two families who are each trying to raise money and awareness to help find cures for diseases that their own children are battling, and both of them are willing to give away half of the grant to help the other work toward their goal.”
“When we saw what a selfless decision that was and the sacrifice that each was willing to make, we really wanted to step up and do what we could to help each of these amazing organizations,” added Johnson.
The thirteen Samsung Helmet of Hope charities each received a $10,000 grant and placement on Johnson’s Sprint Cup Series race helmet for the Oct. 10 event at Auto Club Speedway. Each charity that elected to participate in the Helmet of Hope for More initiative then had the opportunity to Hope For More and win additional funding through the online voting contest.
Over 125,000 votes were cast during the three-week voting period, with Cookies for Kids’ Cancer and the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation earning more than 50% of the total votes. The two exchanged the lead daily throughout the event and were within a few hundred votes in the final days.
“This was the first year we had the Hope for More contest and we couldn’t be more thrilled with the way it turned out,” said Chandra Johnson, co-founder of the Jimmie Johnson Foundation. “We weren’t planning to award grants to two charities, but these two organizations put so much time and effort into the program, especially considering the families of each are battling to save their children’s lives. We are proud and humbled that we are able to help with their missions.”
Cookies for Kids’ Cancer was founded by Gretchen and Larry Witt when their 2-year old Liam was diagnosed with a deadly form of pediatric cancer called Neuroblastoma. Their family learned quickly it is a cancer that only about 30% of children survive, and that pediatric cancer is the leading cause of death by disease for children under the age of 18. Cookies for Kids’ Cancer’s top priority to develop new and better treatments for the children battling cancer around the world.
The Gwendolyn Strong Foundation was born out of Bill and Victoria Strong’s firsthand experience with their precious daughter, Gwendolyn. Gwendolyn was born perfectly healthy in October 2007, but was diagnosed with the terminal disease Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Type I at 6-months-old. The Strongs are personally and passionately dedicated to leaving no stone unturned in raising awareness about and funding research for SMA and supporting families who are impacted by SMA and other life-altering diseases." The article can be viewed and
Thank you for all of you who helped vote. We love and appreciate each one of you.
Monday, September 27, 2010
If I can do this...anyone can!
I made them for a friend who started with a goal of 500 but now she is shooting for 1500 legwarmers to donate to the PICU at Primary Children's Hospital. That is where her little Makenzie spent her last days. Makenzie is her inspiration for this project. She is doing an amazing job in behalf of her little angel.
When I was out looking for socks they did not have any women's so I went to the girls section and thought I would try these. After I bought them I thought of all the newborns who end up in the PICU. My niece for one was only 7 weeks old. I think it is so hard for the parents to see their baby in a diaper only. With these legwarmers it will give those parents something to smile about.
To get the pattern and find out more visit her blog
If you don't sew at all you can buy them and donate too.
Thanks for your help. Also don't forget to keep voting to help fight SMA Vote for the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation. Vote everyday until the 29th.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Owen's summer 2010
This summer Lenn was gone most of the time so when he was home we decided to make the most of it. Owen has been healthy but you never know what tomorrow will bring. We wanted some family memories so we now have a few.
Owen is doing as well as he can. They are still surprised when we go to Primary's to see that he is doing so well. He does not have the reserve that he used to. He panics when the vent is disconnected for more than a few seconds. He cannot move his hands or fingers anymore. He can still barley move his ankle but his facial expressions are more than amazing. He gives us kisses, when he is in the mood. He is still such a blessing in our lives, and I would not trade him for the world.

1. Kynlee kissing Owen's hand. Owen's cousin loves him and is beginning to show it. When she comes she wants to get to baby Owen. One night while she was drinking her bottle she had to pat and rub Owen's hand. It was so cute. 2. Owen has learned to show off his front teeth and he thinks it is funny. 3. Kynlee asking Owen if he wants "more" of her drink. 4. Owen looking to see if his lights are on. 5. Owen giving his best smile.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
SMA Blog Party
Our SMA story...
It started January 3, 2008 when Owen was born. He couldn't cry, he couldn't move and no one knew why. We were in shock, we were heartbroken and could not believe what we were now experiencing.
They drew Owen's blood, did CAT scans, EMG test and in the end found nothing with an exact diagnosis. The blood tests came back negative or unconfirmed. We had a indescribable feeling that we should trach Owen, so he is still with us today.
Two years later on March 30, 2010 Landry was born. He was a little stronger but still very weak. We chose differently with Landry. We chose to bring him home to love and cherish, rather than have our family spilt and him being poked and prodded. Some people don't agree with our choice and it may have been different if we had any answers with Owen but we feel good about the decision we made. Landry earned his angel wings on April 21, 2010.
Just recently we spoke with a genetic counselor and the neurologist and to put it plain and simple they just don't know. This is motor neuron disease and it has SMA all over it but it is an unidentifiable gene. Which means they do not know where to even begin looking for the mutation. The neurologist thinks it is x-linked SMA, very rare and very new. The x-linked gene was found the November before Owen was born. His mutation was not found on that gene. He more than likely has a form of SMA that has not been discovered.
When I think of that it makes me want to do all I can when I hear of these contests to raise money for research funding. If they can cure the more common forms of SMA than that brings them that much closer to find a cure for all the rest.
In the end, this disease has given us two beautiful children that have brought us so many blessings and heartaches. It has changed us forever and made us different people hopefully for life. We cherish more moments. We have more empathy for those going through hardships. We love each day just a little more. We try harder not to take everyday for granted. We love more. We believe more. We are closer.
That being said please vote for these precious babies and these families that endure this. What more of reason could you need? Look at these boys.

PLEASE VOTE: It’s really this simple –>
1. You can vote once EVERY DAY from now until September 29th at 5 PM EDT
Go to, select the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation, enter the two security words, check the Official Rules box, and then click “Vote Now!”
2. That’s it! It’s really that simple
3. Don’t forget to add your name to the list so you don’t miss a $20K vote.
4. And…don’t stop there — SHARE!
Thanks in advance for the votes.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
It is here!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
-Check this out-
This family seems amazing!
An organization is doing a carnival in their behalf to raise money to help them with medical costs. They will be updating their blog with more info., if you can help this family visit their blog.
It seems crazy, but whenever we hear about another family in similar situations we feel so connected with them without even knowing them.
I know I haven't done an Owen update lately, but I promise one soon. (Just don't hold your breath.)
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Proud Moment
Bentley showed in showmanship yesterday. He did a super job. Lenn and I were so proud of him. He was the grand champion junior showman. I was so excited for him that I could hardly go to sleep last night. Right before he went into the ring I told him the better he did the more premium money he would get. Well I lied to him, not meaning to of course, but here they gave a blue ribbon and a bucket for the grand showman. (Oops!) It made him smile at the judge anyway, right??
Today was the market classes. Bentley took third in his class, which was great. While he was showing he was in the first place position for a bit, then to second and at the last minute she switched him to third. I think the judge took the longest on that class deciding which one was better. We were actually shocked at how well Wilma did, because in July she decided to become anorexic for most of the month. We thought she would be a lot further behind the other lambs.
Bentley did great for his first year!